Our Mouth-Watering Menu ~

Takoyaki comes with 5 variety flavor;  Octopus, Prawn, Crab, Chicken and Beef.

Super delicious Japanese Fried Rice ;)

The incredible taste of our sushi that you can't get it anywhere! ;)

Do come to our store for affordable price of sushi.

Umm nyummy! ;)

Rice Set for RM 9.90

Looks so yummy and tasty, isn't ? 

Those are apart of our popular menu. Visit our store to enjoy halal and toyyiban Japanese food at affordable price! See ya! ;)


  1. oiishiiiii~
    Rambang mata nak pilih @~@

  2. oiishiii!!!!
    I really love your takoyaki because it has a lot of sauce and fish flakes.

  3. Salam. Hai kak Lin.
    dah lama tak singgah. Bulan lepas singgah ingat nak tegur kak lin tpi bz. aritu nak cepat so order dgn anak kak lin kat kaunter.

    btw your sushi makin sedapp!!!!

    wp kat depan tu ada Sushi King, still nak makan kat tempat akak!
    rindu bento! tpi aritu makan sushi jer. hehe
